Tuesday, December 15, 2009

another i forgot to mention on my hippie list is that i absolutely love lava lamps they are so groovy that when i look at them i simply am teleported back to the hippie era the 60's and 70's all over again even though i was never there i feel as though that's where i belong with the other free spirits not inside a cage like what they have tried to put me in, i broke that cage a thousand times and will continue to do so even if i die in the process
Hippies are like my new life now, before i was like a dictator but now i am free of that and am now free to be who i really am a hippie, a free loving spirit and a rebel. i feel so much better after what i've been through that i can now do what i need to do which is to love and be free from the hate of the oppressor the government and rulers. now i will listen to them and mind them but i no longer have to bow down like a dog and accept my abuse of freedom i can say no when i want to and yes when i want to. no one can tell me what to do and when to do it i choose my fate and my path and that path is being a free spirit and rebel.
i believe myself to be a hippie.
1) i love a lot and want others to love too
2) i act like a hippie because i say and do things like they would (I.E. put flowers in my hair and dance around for no apparent reason.
3) i love multicolored things and
4) i also love to be goofy and lovable
5) i love the sunshine and the rain
6) i dress funky sometimes and with odd clothes too (like long skirts and stuff and sandles)
7) i listen to the oldies like john lennon, otis redding and the supremes
8)i love the earth and the ocean too
9) i love to run in fields of flowers and dance in the pouring rain
10) i love love to sing along to my oldies at a really loud volume and don't care what people think of me
11) i am a very free spirit and very rebellious and will fight for what i think is right no matter what
hippies are i think making a come back because people are seeming to be more like them, they wish to be peaceful or love more. i think this is because we now see how much damage we have caused and we want to replace it with love and peace instead of rage and war. if people were more like hippies without the drug usage then the world would be, i think an ok place to be. we might not fought so much and have death always lurking around the corner of our streets all the time.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

all the Beatles songs are important to me. they all have a different meaning to my life and how i see things in life and people. they give me reason to think and ask questions about life and its great wonders. it also makes me look forward to each new day because at any one point i have an emotion there is a Beatles song for it. this is why i love The Beatles so much. There are awesome and knew a lot about life maybe not so much to some people but to me they knew a lot and they made songs out of what they know.
i just made a video of babies with the song here comes the sun by the Beatles. it is so cute. babies are like sunshine to moms, they make you laugh and cry. they bring joy to our lives and let us know that we can create life and bring up in the world. babies help us feel better when we need to, they teach us to love and care for others. babies make us feel complete at some point or another in our life. whenever i see a baby i just want to have to because they are so amazing and special. i will definitely have kids when i am older like 20 or 25 for sure.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I choose this photo because it is beautiful. This picture made me feel strong and powerful. It also makes me think of being free from all rules and having no limitations in life. I hope to express freedom and power in my video.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

the analysis is correct because we no longer use our brains to answer questions we use the internet or a phone to get the answers
ScienceDaily (Jan. 29, 2009) — As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to research by Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology and director of the Children's Digital Media Center, Los Angeles.

Kids today--even big kids like me--have access to some very cool gadgets. Gadgets like the Internet, video games, computers, cell phones, CD players, and hi-def TVs. Very fun and with the potential to inform, stimulate, and educate. But how is all that technology affecting our kids' ability to learn?

Patricia Greenfield, UCLA distinguished professor of psychology and director of the Children's Digital Media Center in Los Angeles, analyzed more than 50 studies on learning technology and found trends that are both disturbing and heartening.

Greenfield states that learners have changed as a result of their exposure to technology: there is a decline in critical thinking and analysis, and an increase in visual intelligence. "Studies show that reading develops imagination, induction, reflection and critical thinking, as well as vocabulary," said Greenfield. "Reading for pleasure is key to developing these skills." Yet reading for pleasure has declined among young people in recent decades.

The fact that visual intelligence has increased means students are better able to at least process information. However, visual media is generally real-time and gives little time for reflection, analysis, or imagination. Greenfield suggests that as students spend more time with visual media, evaluation methods that include forms of visual media will give us a better picture of what kids actually know. For example, I am actually seeing a much greater incidence of students creating PowerPoint presentations to demonstrate knowledge.

As technology has played a bigger role in our lives, our skills in critical thinking and analysis have declined, while our visual skills have improved, according to new research.
the study abc did is right on i fidget all the time in class and i learn faster that way. teachers might want to understand that i learn best when i do things on a computer not an oral teaching like regular class, and lma does both those things even if i take just one online class a day its helpful and the fact that they allow us to fidget in class and listen to music in class.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Edmodo is kool and seems fun dude Peace out.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

school sucks i wish online was free or that we could do it for free at or school so we would still be in school but on a computer all day u know. Man i really don't like school

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I love boho styles and lava lamps